Saturday, April 27, 2013

Exercises for Better physical relations with wife

To "keep your sex life awesome," exercise physiologist Rich Weil suggests these top five "sexercises." Though the following exercises are geared toward men, they also work great for women who want a boost to their sex life.
  • Pushups. If you're going to pick just one exercise to do, this is the one to go for, Weil says, "for all the obvious reasons." If you can’t do basic training-quality pushups at first, start with wall presses (essentially pushups done against the wall), aiming for 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions. When you're ready, progress to knee pushups on the floor, making sure to keep your back straight (squeeze your butt and suck in your gut) while you slowly touch your nose to the ground. Once you're ready to kick it up a notch, progress to traditional hand-and-toe pushups.
  • Abdominals . Weil, director of the New York Obesity Research Center Weight Loss Program at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center, says your abs are a critical sex-boosting body area to work on. "After all," he says, "you have to use your abdominal muscles during sex." Weil suggests starting your ab workout with good old-fashioned crunches. Lie on your back, hands supporting your neck, knees bent, and your feet on the floor. Then bring your body up just enough to get your shoulders off the ground. Do 3 to 5 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions.

    For additional ab oomph, Weil suggests men and women also do bridges. Lying on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, lift your hips up and down for 3 sets of 15 reps. Men can also try pelvic tilts. Standing up or lying down, straighten your lower back and pull your belly button in until your lower back touches the wall or floor. Women can try Kegels. Contract your pelvic muscles -- the ones you'd use to stop the flow of urine; squeeze the muscles tight for 3 seconds, then relax for 3 seconds. Do 10 to 15 repetitions three times a day.
  • Deadlifts . This exercise will keep your back as strong as it can be, Weil says, and give your legs and torso a workout too. Deadlifts, in which you start in a neutral bent-over position and raise a weighted barbell or dumbbells from the ground, are easy to do -- and easy to do wrong. So technique is important to prevent injury. Get some pro tips online or at your gym to be sure you're getting the most out of doing deadlifts.
  • Torso side bends and twists. To get the most from this exercise, as well as the next one, head to the gym. The effort is worth it because torso side bends and twists will keep your upper body strong, Weil says, and give you stamina. "Do them on the cable crossover machine for maximum effect."
  • Pushing or pulling exercise in the gym. Rows, flyes, and lateral raises on the cable crossover machine will do a great job of enhancing your performance in the bedroom, according to Weil. Remember to get a few quick tips from a pro on how to do these exercises most effectively.
If you want even more sizzle, exercise for 20 minutes right before sex and, Weil promises, "you’ll never do better!"

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