Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Active sex life must for healthy longevity.....TOI

An active sex life is the key to a longer life for men only if they are faithful to their partners, a new research has found.

Italian medical researchers have found that a healthy sex life means fewer cardiovascular problems for men.

"What was evident from the research was that men who had active sex lives and were faithful to their partners had fewer cardiovascular complaints and lived longer," the Telegraph quoted Emmanuele Jannini, coordinator of the research, as saying.

"Increased sexual activity produces more testosterone, which leads to less depression and a better cardiovascular performance which means an improved metabolism," said Jannini.

Jannini said the study has revealed that those who were unfaithful had a poor cardiovascular performance because they were "also coping with the increased stress of their infidelity."

She said that an increased amount of testosterone produced during sex was good for men because it burned off excess sugars and reduced the risk of heart disease.

"People who have diabetes especially benefit from a healthy sex life and an active sex life also helps avoid prostate problems for men," she added.

The Italian Society of Sexual Medicine carried out the study.

Read more: Plenty of sex gives men long lives! - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/relationships/man-woman/Plenty-of-sex-gives-men-long-lives/articleshow/6887734.cms#ixzz18o30S5hq
Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O) M:9324225699

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Are u getting mad temporarily but regularly???? Understand anger ..first mail..

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Osho writes better but this time my thoughts . Now a days many corporates keep Course on Anger management. And have found it useful.

Anger can lead to : High BP
damage to property
damage to relationships ( leading to separation between partners/ brothers/spouse/ good staff leaving you etc )
In a fit of anger people have committed many crimes ( unwantingly and then repented) like throwing child out of train for seat / assaulting/ pushing and killing thru car on arguments about parking, jumping out of ..... hitting loved ones who either get severe injuries physical or mental etc etc.
) all out of anger),

This madness though temporary has to be controlled.
All those who get such bouts must see counselor instead of justifying there act of madness. No reason/ excuse  can make u mad unless u r one.It is bad behavior / loose act and is punishable in laws. Yet we do it. Why??
If we can not achieve anything with diplomacy/ persuasion / education then we can not achieve it thru fights.Unknowingly u may cause grievous injury to self or other person in fit of rage. The matter can go to police, court/ bosses/ samaj etc etc and may cost career, peace of mind, reputation etc etc . Instead of taking law in hand let us all ( who r in habit of getting uncontrollably angry ) think of reasons what makes us angry. Where lies the solution.And be reasonable to others.Our own demand/ expectation may be unreasonable and that wrong expectation may be giving us frustration and making us angry.If we ourselves are wrong ( full of wrong expectations) then we are craving for moon which will never be fulfilled. And Lo we r still angry on others for our unfulfilled demands.

Be reasonable. Be cool. Be understanding.have contentment and be happy.



Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya
(Real Estate, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Bonds,
Tholiya Marketing and Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
Marigold Party Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan,Next to Regency Hotel,
10th Rd., Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055

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