Monday, January 17, 2011

so I can blame my frequency for not getting along better with all of you.....but I will try to change....Alok

Frequency and how it affects our relationships.

Posted by: "~Ashok"   lama1126in

Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:00 pm (PST)

Frequency and how it affects our relationships.

. And what happens is
that the parents or grandparents who try to "keep the family together",
don't realize that it is all about frequency, and they try to force
everyone to "get along" :)

By Toby Alexander

has a certain frequency - the vibratory-oscillation rate of their DNA.
It ranges between about 50 - 150 Ghz. Frequency is extremely important
because of RESONANCE. You have a certain frequency and you resonate with
people, places, times, things, and events that have similar if not
identical frequency.
How does this affect your relationships with other people? Well, it works as follows. Two people do not get together or have "something in common" unless they are at the same or very similar frequency. This is so important to understand that I would like you to re-read the last sentence and think about it.
It doesn't have ANYTHING to do with LOOKS, cultural background, education, skin color, finances, nationality, interests, etc. Two people will only get together and stay together (RESONATE) if they have the same frequency, period.

example, if you walk into a restaurant and look at the people sitting
at a specific table, you will notice that they all have similar
frequency. This is why friends "get together". And this is ALSO why
friends or spouses separate. If one of the person's frequency rises, and
the other stays the same, then soon the 2nd person will FALL right out
of the other's hologram. They will fall out of the frequency range of
the other person, so they cannot connect no matter how hard they try.
Have you ever thought about why some of your friends from high school
are no longer your friends and you don't have contact with them anymore?
It's because your frequency changed and you literally cannot "see" them
anymore. We are able to perceive as reality the thoughtforms of the
collective masses as they were placed within the frequency bands that
now exist one dimension below the frequencies within which our present
focus of collective consciousness is stationed. So for example, if you
have 5 strands of DNA activated and your consciousness is stationed in
dimension 5, then you will see as solid the thoughtforms of dimension 4.
This is why different people perceive "life" totally differently.
Because of the level of their consciousness and DNA activation level.
about all the really strange combinations of couples out there - people
that you would never dream would get together :) They are together
because they have the same frequency. When you look at it this way
(frequency-wise), you can also see why you are not together with certain
people anymore, and you don't have to feel so bad about the
"relationship not working". If the frequency is not similar, then the 2
people will not stay together. On the same note, if you are working in
an environment that you don't resonate with, you will not be able to
stay there. You can actually FEEL that you don't resonate with the place
or the people, and eventually something will "happen" to allow you to
leave. This may be unpleasant or disappointing at first if you don't
know the laws of frequency.
Also, during the holiday season when
family members get together for Christmas or celebrate other things, the
frequency element becomes really obvious :) Most people have certain
siblings or family members that they just don't resonate with. And what
happens is that the parents or grandparents who try to "keep the family
together", don't realize that it is all about frequency, and they try to
force everyone to "get along" :) This is why there is so much drama in
families, because of the differences in frequency and consciousness
levels. Just because you incarnated into a specific family line doesn't
mean that you should automatically resonate with everyone in your
family. Oftentimes, our past-life worst enemies actually incarnate into
our same family line and become our fathers, mothers, or siblings. This
is very common actually. Why do they do this? To heal the hatred and
allow the person to own it wisdom and evolve spiritually.
One thing
that really confirms the way that everything is governed by frequency is
when I try to connect to one of my coaching clients for the first
session. If the client has the frequency, we will connect immediately
through Sightspeed and the communication will be great. If the client
doesn't quite have the frequency, there will always be some "problem",
that appears technical or internet related, but in actuality is because
the frequency doesn't quite match. So I will then do a session or two on
the person to help raise their frequency and remove anything blocking
us from connecting, and as soon as I finish that, we are always able to
connect with no problems, without changing any software setting, etc.

So how then do we raise our frequency? Well, there are 3 main ways -
1) Do sessions or energy work
to remove the lower vibrating energetic blockages, karmic imprints you
inherited from your parents at fetal integration, and activate dormant
DNA to allow you to draw and hold higher frequency from your soul and
oversoul levels. This work can commence with the Auric Clearing, Karmic
Sessions, and DNA Activations and can continue with expanded knowledge
of how to work on yourself.
2) Exercise mental body control and only emotionally energize high frequency thoughts such as unconditional love, joy, bliss, gratitude, and exuberance.
fear, anxiety, worry, despair, and depression, as all of these are very
low frequency thoughts and will attract you to the same frequency of
people and situations.
3) Getting into as deep a mental state as possible through meditation,
yoga and other techniques - like theta or delta states. When you are in
these deep states is when you are closest to your God self and are
being the "observer" in quantum physics, collapsing those energy waves
into space/time sub-atomic particles as in thought manifestation.
I hope you RESONATE with this information and hope it helps you understand how frequency affects all aspects of your life.



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