Monday, June 29, 2015

चेकिंग के दौरान पकड़ में नहीं आते ये सेक्स टॉयज इकनॉमिक टाइम्स| Jun 29, 2015, 08.49 AM IST

हरसिमरन जुल्का, नई दिल्ली

राज अर्मानी ने वहां कुछ ऐसी चीजें डिस्प्ले में रखीं जो वह अपनी वेबसाइट पर बेचते हैं। उनकी साइट्स पर परफ्यूम, मस्कारा, हेयर ब्रश वगैरह बिकता है, जो हर औरत के हैंडबैग में मिल जाएंगी। लेकिन यह, 'जो दिखता है, वो होता नहीं', जैसा मामला था। लिपस्टिक और मस्कारा असल में वाइब्रेटर्स और हेयरब्रश मसाजर थे। उन्होंने दावा किया था कि किसी को इनकी असलियत का पता नहीं चलेगा। सचमुच ऐसा ही हुआ। उस शाम स्टारबक्स को इस डिस्प्ले में कुछ अलग नहीं लगा। ये चीजें टेस्ट में पास हो गईं।

आईएमबेशरमडॉटकॉम के 36 साल के फाउंडर राज कहते हैं, 'ये बदले हुलिए वाले सेक्स टॉयज हैं। इनका पता कस्टम्स, एयरपोर्ट या लग्जरी होटेल, कहीं भी सिक्यॉरिटी चेक में नहीं चलता।' ऐसे ज्यादातर प्रॉडक्ट्स की कीमत 2,500 से 4,000 रुपये के बीच है और कस्टमर्स रईस हैं।

अमेरिका के अटलांटा में अपने घर से इंडिया फोकस्ड स्टार्टअप चलाने वाले राज कहते हैं, 'हमने बॉलीवुड स्टार्स से लेकर सरकारी दफ्तरों यहां तक कि रईस इलाकों तक में ऑर्डर डिलिवर किए हैं। इसमें टॉप पोजिशन के लिए मुंबई और दिल्ली में होड़ लगी रहती है।' सरकार को अपने एंप्लॉयीज की खरीदारी के तौर तरीकों के बारे में पता नहीं होगा।

2003 में अमेरिका गए हैदराबाद के फॉर्मर फैशन गारमेंट रिटेलर राज बताते हैं, 'सबसे महंगा प्रॉडक्ट 5 लाख रुपये का था, जो हमने चेन्नै के एक कस्टमर को भेजा था। यह हवा भरकर फुलाई जानेवाली एक डॉल थी।' उन्होंने दो फैमिली मेंबर्स के साथ 2012 में शुरू की इस कंपनी में $12 लाख का सीड कैपिटल लगाया है।

इंडस्ट्री एक्सपर्ट्स के मुताबिक 2500 करोड़ रुपये के अनुमानित सेक्शुअल वेलनेस और अडल्ट टॉयज मार्केट में सेंध लगाने वाली कुछ कंपनियों में एक आईएमबेशरम भी है। हाल ही में दो बड़ी कंपनियां मार्केट में आई हैं- दैट्सपर्सनल और प्राइवेटलीयूर्स। छोटी कंपनियों में ओमायसेक्रेट्स, शायचार्ट और मसालाटॉयज शामिल हैं।

एक्सपर्ट्स के मुताबिक इस मार्केट में कॉम्पिटीशन नहीं होने की एक सिंपल वजह है। सेक्शुअल रिवॉल्यूशन की बात सभी करते हैं लेकिन अपनी इच्छाओं के बारे में कुछ कहने से शर्माते हैं। इससे वेबसाइट्स उनके लिए अच्छा माध्यम हैं। जहां दूसरे सेगमेंट्स कस्टमर बनाने के लिए डिस्काउंट देते हैं, यहां मार्जिन 100 से 200 पर्सेंट है।

ऐसी साइट चलाने के लिए हौसला भी जरूरी होता है। दैट्सपर्सनल के हेड माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के फॉर्मर ऐग्जिक्युटिव समीर सरैया हैं जो फ्लिपकार्ट और स्नैपडील की कामयाबी से प्रभावित होकर 2012 में सिंगापुर से इंडिया आए थे। बाद में उनको समझ में आ गया कि फैशन, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स और बेबीकेयर का भी मार्केट हाथ से निकल चुका है। सरैया कहते हैं, 'लेकिन सेक्शुअल वेलनेस में बहुत कम प्लेयर्स हैं।' उनके एंजेल इन्वेस्टर्स में MSN इंडिया के फॉर्मर हेड जसप्रीत बिंद्रा, माइक्रोसॉफ्ट इंडिया के जनरल मैनेजर नेविल तारापोरवाला और DSG कन्जयूमर पार्टनर्स के एमडी दीपक शहदादपुरी शामिल हैं। साइट दिसंबर 2013 में लॉन्च हुई थी। इन्वेंटरी पहले महीने ही बिक गई।

Saturday, June 20, 2015

yoga helps keeping your relationship stronger.......Alok

I will start doing yoga at home again and try to be regular from today.My net mania leaves no time for own health. However I will not force same on others in family and friends. A caution: all those who start yoga without supervision pl. do slowly, do not bend yourself too much in any exercise and do warm up before starting. Start with limited minutes to increases slowly day by day. Surya namaskar ( u can name it differently if u like ) was introduced to me by Shri Deepak a co dealer of air conditioners while we were out of station for dealers meet. He was doing surya namaskar even in that 5 star hotel daily. He told that Alok bhai this is a exercise which will keep you active and fit sexually  lifetime. And by doing just 10 times a day. But my activism and net addiction did not allow me for long to continue. Those whose culture allows Surya namaskar then do learn and start from two times a day to doing more in few days. It does miracle to your back bone/ spinal cord. And if u know a little about sex education ( which hardly any Indian knows) then u will confirm that message/ signal for excitement and erection goes from brain to the down  there thru spine and if spine is healthy ( fit and flexible and strong ) then u get faster and better. All the best to all those trying Yoga today. But pl. do not impose this on anyone.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

She's beautiful and she's mine."

Every woman deserves to have a man
who is proudly willing to say to the
whole world, "Yeah, that's my one and
only. She's beautiful and she's mine."
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  • 4 people like this.
  • Ramakant Gupta so sweet
    7 hrs · Like · 1
  • Alok Tholiya Superb lines. Excellent. May devil in many men vanishes and they say like this to their lady.Though this is not conditional but yet lady should also endeavour to be that loving.The ground reality is that not many men women are this lucky but such saying help.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Counseling for Newly Weds

The emphasis when there is a marriage in family is on big wedding event, costly clothing, best honeymoon destinations etc etc.. But inspite of everything going best many a times marriage breaks and in many other times though they live together but are not happy. So to make marriage successful what family , friends must ensure is that bride and groom under go spiritual, sextual and relationship counseling. here Dr Sah is discussing sextual and relationship challenges before newly weds.


Dr.Purushottam SahDr.Purushottam Sah
SexologistObstetrician And GynaecologistAndrologistInfertility Specialist

Counseling for Newly Weds

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Published In: Sexual Health
Published Date: 

Nutrients That Boost Testosterone Levels

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Testosterone levels are important for both men and women to consider, not just to buff up and stay strong, but also to support our body’s natural growth hormone, a key hormone to keep our bodies youthful and energized. Testosterone also supports our libidos, our mood, and our levels of motivation and drive. Though women don’t want too much testosterone, a little is actually important to ward off excess estrogen that can lead to depression, weight gain, hormonal changes, or just an overall imbalance of sex hormones in the body. And men, of course, are always looking to improve their testosterone levels to help build muscle, staystrong, and support their male livelihood that the big T word is often associated with.

Nutrients That Boost Testosterone Levels

Key nutrients needed to boost testosterone in the body are: amino acids (protein), zinc, B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and an overall anti-inflammatory diet. These nutrients are found in both plant-based and animal-based foods, but there’s no reason to think that one needs to eat steak, eggs, chicken, fish, or drink milk to boost testosterone. In fact, many animal-based foods can actually increase estrogen in the body, which lowers testosterone and can lead to some negative side effects due the estrogen coming from animals that have hormones our bodies weren’t meant to consume.
Regardless that animal-based foods and dairy-based protein powders or supplements are promoted to boost testosterone levels, in some studies vegans have actually been found to have higher levels of testosterone than meat-eaters or even vegetarians. The best part is, they also had less cancer risks due to the removal of animal proteins in their diets.
To boost your testosterone without the risks of eating animal-based foods, here are some of the best plant-based options that you’ll want to add to your daily menu if you can. These are delicious proof that you can boost testosterone in the body without having to eat animals to get your fill!

1. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are packed with zinc, a crucial mineral needed for optimal testosterone levels. Zinc keeps the sex organs healthy and promotes a healthy metabolism that assists with the conversion of certain hormones. They’re also great sources of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the body produce more serotonin, which helps balance your hormones even further. These alkaline green seeds are also one of the most overlooked sources of plant-based protein, iron, and are great sources of healthy omega-3 fats.

2. Coconut

Coconut’s a great food to boost your muscle-growth, promote lean body mass, and balance your body’s hormones including testosterone. How so? It’s a great source of healthy saturated fats, which most people think they need to avoid, but when eaten from plant-based sources, is actually helpful in moderate amounts. How so? Saturated fats are necessary for testosterone production and they support the body’s ability to make cholesterol without having to consume added dietary cholesterol from animal-based foods. A few tablespoons of raw coconut butter, shreds, coconut milk, or fresh coconut meat are all you need to support your body with this healthy source of fat. It’s still a good idea to limit all sources of saturated fats to 10 percent of your daily diet and not rely on them alone.

3. Maca

MacaMilkshake-1200x800Maca is a fabulous food for boosting and normalizing or improving your hormones. It canboost the libido and improve mood in both men and women, and is fantastic for reducing stress levels that can interfere with healthy testosterone levels. Maca is also great for boosting your energy to help you exercise, which boosts testosterone in return. When you workout, especially when you lift weights, you naturally boost your testosterone levels, which makes maca a great superfood to use on all counts. Working out and maca also both support your body’s production of growth hormones that supports your metabolism and keeps the body youthful.

4. Avocado

avoandcarrots-1164x800Also a libido-boosting food, this fruit’s healthy fats and high levels of vitamin B6 both reduce cortisol and improve testosterone production. They also support the metabolism and overall mood function. Avocados’ fats also reduce high levels of unhealthy cholesterol levels (LDL) that interferes with the production of testosterone. Animal-based fats raise high levels of LDL while plant-based fats lower LDL and improve levels of good cholesterol (HDL). See more plant-based foods with good levels of cholesterol that can also support your hormones here.

5. Chia Seeds

Vanilla-Bean-and-Mango-Chia-Seed-Pudding-1198x800Chia seeds directly boost testosterone levels in the body due to their amazing essential fatty acid (EFA) profile. They’re a great source of omega-3 fats, along with other anti-inflammatory fats. Chia seeds are also a great source of potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium that support your metabolism, blood pressure, blood sugar, and mood. These nutrients are also necessary for optimal energy and hormone production in the body. Hemp seeds are also amazing for your hormone levels and they contain more protein, iron, and magnesium than chia seeds do.
Other great foods to support your body’s hormones that contain omega-3 fatty acids, natural protein, and vitamins and minerals are: almonds, walnuts, cashews, flax seeds and olives. You can also add more vegan libido-boosting foods to your diet to improve your hormones even further. As you can see, there’s no whey or steak needed here. Add a few servings of these five foods to your day and you’ll be well on your way to healthier T levels in no time!
Lead Image Source: Ultimate Raw Vegan Pizza

Monday, March 30, 2015

Exercise Might Help His Sex Life

Nowadays young executives are in a bad health maode with 12 + hours attractive job but no exercise, junk food, tremendous work pressure. They will be old ( as far as inner strength is concerned) by age 45. Ofcourse medicines will keep them alive till age 80+. ........................Alok 

Exercise Might Help His Sex Life

Men who get the most physical activity report more erections, orgasms, study says
By Robert Preidt
Monday, March 23, 2015

MONDAY, March 23, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Up and at 'em, guys. Exercise might boost your sex life, a new study suggests.
Nearly 300 men provided information about their physical activity levels and their ability to have erections and orgasms, the quality and frequency of erections, and their overall sexual function.
Men who exercised the most -- as measured by what's known as metabolic equivalents (METS) -- had higher sexual function scores, regardless of race, according to the findings published in the March issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Specifically, better sex was reported by those who engaged in the equivalent of two hours of strenuous exercise, 3.5 hours of moderate exercise, or six hours of light exercise a week, the researchers said.
Men who exercised less had lower sexual function scores. Other factors associated with lower sexual function included diabetes, older age, past or current smoking, and heart disease, the investigators found.
"When it comes to exercise, there is no one-size-fits-all approach," said study co-author Dr. Stephen Freedland, director of the Cedars-Sinai Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle in Los Angeles.
"However, we are confident that even some degree of exercise, even if less intense, is better than no exercise at all," Freedland said in a journal news release.
While previous studies have identified a link between exercise and erectile function, that research tended to focus on white men, the study authors said.
"This study is the first to link the benefits of exercise in relation to improved erectile and sexual function in a racially diverse group of patients," said study senior author Adriana Vidal, an investigator in the Cedars-Sinai Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute.
SOURCE: Journal of Sexual Medicine, news release, March 23, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

Good Sleep Is Key to Good for relationship

Women who got more rest had greater desire the next day, study found
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
WEDNESDAY, March 18, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Women looking to jump-start their sex life may want to spend more time in bed.
That's the conclusion of a new study that suggests that each additional hour of sleep increased by 14 percent the likelihood a woman would engage in sexual activity with a partner the next day.
"Our study showed that good sleep is important for healthy sexual desire and arousal in women, even when women are psychiatrically and medically healthy," said study author David Kalmbach, a researcher at the University of Michigan Sleep and Circadian Research Laboratory.
Kalmbach and several colleagues evaluated 171 women, all college-age, who kept diaries of their sleep for 14 consecutive days and reported whether they engaged in sexual activity the next day. Longer sleep time was linked with greater sexual desire the next day. Women with longer average sleep duration said they had better genital arousal than women with shorter sleep time. On average, the women reported sleeping 7 hours, 22 minutes.
Other studies have suggested that short sleep time and poor sleep quality lead to poor female sexual response, Kalmbach said. But most studies have been a ''snapshot in time," looking at just one time point.
"I think these findings suggest that taking a closer look at sleep health in women with sexual complaints is a worthwhile endeavor," Kalmbach said, "as poor sleep may lead to sexual problems."
Kalmbach said it's not known how lack of sleep might affect sexual desire. But he said it's not simply due to changes in mood, for instance, as the study assessed the women's levels of depression and anxiety.
"Some previous studies have hypothesized that sleep can affect hormone levels, which may cause changes in desire and arousal," he said. "But I think overall, more research is needed in this area to identify the underlying mechanisms more confidently."
"The message," Kalmbach added, "is that sleep health is important for many areas of our daily living. Good sleep has been shown to improve mood, energy, concentration, overall health, and, now, sexual desire and arousal."
The study findings were published online March 16 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Dr. Nathaniel F. Watson is president-elect of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and professor of neurology at the University of Washington, in Seattle.
He called the new research "one of the few studies to assess the relationship between sleep duration and sexual health." But, he added, "you have to be a little bit cautious about drawing any conclusions from this because it is just an association study," and doesn't prove cause-and-effect.
Even so, Watson added, "I still think the findings are compelling and certainly warrant follow-up with interventional studies."
For now, Watson said the take-home message is this: "You could add it to a long list of reasons why getting a proper amount of sleep is good for your health."
Kalmbach had this advice: "It there's anything women or their partners can do to help promote good sleep for one another, whether it's helping out around the house to reduce workload, planning romantic getaways, or just practicing good sleep hygiene, it could help protect against having problems in the bedroom."
SOURCES: David Kalmbach, Ph.D., researcher, Sleep and Circadian Research Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Nathaniel F. Watson, M.D., M.Sc., president-elect, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and professor of neurology, University of Washington, Seattle; March 16, 2015, Journal of Sexual Medicine, online

Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Happy Woman Begets A Happy Family

Women lead stressful lives. They do home management, do trouble shooting, manage kids, and cater to in-laws and relatives. This lifestyle hardly leaves room for them to think about themselves. A married life is equivalent to never ending series of duties. This leaves them with stressed out mind and body.
Studies show that if the woman is content in her marital life, her husband is happy with life in general. It definitely pays men with a happy life scenario when they keep their wives satisfied in marriage. Women need care and attentive listening apart from the financial and social security. So all you men should keep your spouse happy to make your own life happier!Alok adds : There will be some who can not be satisfied or made happy but above will work for most women.

Read the study in detail at

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Vitaros may come to India which is a better alternative to Viagra


8:01 PM (16 hours ago)
to me
Dear Alokji
Good news for the ED topical cream alternative which can become OTS  and will fetch good revenue; useful for diabetic and heart patients without major side effects.
currently we chemist cannot dispense sildenafil formulations without prescription.

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 6:49 PM, Alok Tholiya <> wrote:
Apricus Biosciences Expands Exclusive License Agreement With an Existing Partner to Market Vitaros(R) in Select Asia-Pacific Countries
Globe Newswire
Apricus Eligible to Receive an Additional Upfront, Milestone Payment and a Double-Digit Royalty on Net Sales
February 03, 2015: 04:05 PM ET

SAN DIEGO, Feb. 3, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Apricus Biosciences, Inc. (Nasdaq:APRI), a biopharmaceutical company advancing innovative medicines in urology and rheumatology, today announced that it has further expanded its exclusive license agreement with Hexal AG, an affiliate within the Sandoz Division of the Novartis Group of Companies ("Sandoz"), for the commercialization of Vitaros®, Apricus' novel topical on-demand treatment for erectile dysfunction ("ED"). This amendment is in addition to the in-place collaboration established with Hexal AG in Germany in 2012, and the expansion of the cooperation in 2013 to include Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. This expanded agreement includes Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Singapore (the "New Territory").
In combination with the terms of the previously signed license agreements with Sandoz, Apricus is eligible to receive up to approximately $63.5 million in combined upfront, regulatory and sales milestone payments, which includes up to a total of $6.4 million in upfront and pre-commercialization payments, and a double-digit royalty rate for Vitaros. 
"Leveraging our strong working relationships and expanding our existing Vitaros agreements with our collaboration partners is an on-going key initiative within Apricus," said Richard Pascoe, Chief Executive Officer of Apricus. "Having recently introduced Vitaros in Germany, Belgium and Sweden, Sandoz has set an impressive pace with their launch performance to date, and as such, we are very pleased that they have elected to increase their commitment to Vitaros in these important markets outside of Europe." Mr. Pascoe continued, "Moreover, we will continue to seek value creating partnerships in other available territories in an effort to bring this novel ED treatment to physicians and patients throughout the world."
Vitaros is an exciting new entrant into the ED treatment market, offering a range of clear benefits that make it ideal for virtually any ED patient. Vitaros is a topical cream ED medication that delivers rapid onset (generally 5-15 minutes), a treatment duration of approximately 1 hour and an excellent safety profile. Vitaros' local delivery provides a very attractive alternative for all patients, but particularly those with complications that preclude them from using the orally delivered systemic treatments or who prefer to not use the injectable forms of alprostadil.
According to the most recent estimates, the global ED market in 2013 was in excess of $5.5 billion annually. Vitaros has the potential to generate for Apricus over $215 million in future milestone payments, as well as additional potential royalty revenue on net product sales based upon double-digit royalty rates through its existing commercial partnerships. In addition, Apricus intends to leverage Vitaros through additional licensing efforts in key markets such a Japan and China in Asia and throughout Latin America.
About Apricus Biosciences, Inc.
Apricus Biosciences, Inc. (APRI) is a biopharmaceutical company advancing innovative medicines in urology and rheumatology. Apricus' lead product, Vitaros®, for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, is approved in Europe and Canada and is being commercialized in several countries in Europe. Apricus' marketing partners for Vitaros include Abbott Laboratories Limited, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International GmbH, Hexal AG (Sandoz), Recordati Ireland Ltd. (Recordati S.p.A.), Bracco S.p.A. and Laboratoires Majorelle. Apricus' second-generation Vitaros Room Temperature Device is under development and is expected to enhance the product's commercial value. The Vitaros trademark is registered or has pending applications for registration in certain countries and jurisdictions around the world. The mark is not registered in all of the countries mentioned above. Apricus recently commenced a Phase 2a trial for RayVa™, its product candidate for the treatment of the circulatory disorder Raynaud's phenomenon. Additionally, Apricus plans to initiate a Phase 2b trial for fispemifene, a selective estrogen receptor modulator for the treatment of male secondary hypogonadism, chronic prostatitis and lower urinary tract symptoms. Apricus is currently seeking a strategic partner to fund development of Femprox®, a product candidate for the treatment of female sexual interest/arousal disorder that completed an approximately 400-subject proof-of-concept study. 
For further information on Apricus, visit
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, as amended. Statements in this press release that are not purely historical are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements include, among other things: references to the planned launches of Vitaros® in various countries by Sandoz; the potential for the product to achieve commercial success generally or in any specific territory; the size of the commercial opportunity for the product; and the timing of Phase 2 clinical trials for fispemifene. Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements due to a variety of reasons that are outside the control of Apricus, including, but not limited to: its ability to further develop its product Vitaros for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, such as the room temperature version of Vitaros, and its product candidates RayVa for the treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon and fispemifene for the treatment of secondary hypogonadism, chronic prostatitis and lower urinary tract symptoms in men, as well as the timing of such events; Apricus' ability to carry out clinical studies for RayVa and fispemifene, as well as the timing and success of the results of such studies; potential adverse side effects or other safety risks associated with fispemifene and RayVa that could delay or preclude approval; Apricus' dependence on its commercial partners to increase sales of Vitaros in various territories, and the potential for delays in the timing of commercial launches in additional countries; competition in the erectile dysfunction market and other markets in which Apricus and its partners operate; Apricus' ability to obtain license partners for Vitaros; Apricus' ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property protection for Vitaros, RayVa, fispemifene or any other product candidates; Apricus' ability to raise additional funding that it may need to continue to pursue its commercial and business development plans; Apricus' ability to obtain the requisite governmental approval for Vitaros in the New Territory; and market conditions. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release, and Apricus assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Readers are urged to read the risk factors set forth in Apricus' most recent annual report on Form 10-K, subsequent quarterly reports filed on Form 10-Q, and other filings made with the SEC. Copies of these reports are available from the SEC's website at or without charge from Apricus.
CONTACT: Institutional Investors: Angeli Kolhatkar
         Arecia Advisors
         (917) 387-44770
         Retail Investors: Chris Eddy, David Collins
         Catalyst Global
         (212) 924-9800
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