Monday, October 15, 2012

'Alarming' low testosterone levels found in obese teenage boys

I wonder whether low testosterone results in obesity or obesity reduces testosterone. But ofcourse reducing obesity is definetly priority rather not turning obese is a must......( though it ios easier said then done)....Alok

'Alarming' low testosterone levels found in obese teenage boys

Obese teenage boys are at risk for more than diabetes and heart disease, a new study has found. They also have alarmingly low levels of testosterone - between 40 to 50% less than males of the same age with a normal body mass index.
The study, published this week in the journal Clinical Endocrinology, investigated the effect of obesity on testosterone levels in young males.
It has its origins in earlier research, which showed that type II diabetes and obesity in older men are linked to a high rate (25-33%) of hypogonadism, or low testosterone levels. According to the new study, the rate of hypogonadism in type II diabetic men ages 18-35 is greater than 50%.
In addition, concentrations of free testosterone — testosterone that isn’t chemically bound and thus available to the body — were shown to be negatively related to BMI: The higher the body mass, the lower the concentration.
“This raises the question whether obesity is associated with lower testosterone concentrations, even in younger males,” the study said.
Controlling for age, physical maturity and certain medical factors, 25 obese and 25 lean males between the ages of 14 and 20 were studied.
Blood samples were drawn in the morning to measure both total and free testosterone.
Mean testosterone concentration was 50% lower in obese males. Mean free testosterone concentration was 46% lower.
The results present several problems for those affected, according to Dr. Paresh Dandona, chief of the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at the University of Buffalo’s medical school and the study’s lead author.
Obesity can lead to diabetes and heart disease. What’s more, low testosterone can slow or stop sexual maturation — and there’s nothing more hurtful than “a male not having his maleness,” Dandona said.
“It’s alarming, because these guys could grow up to be inadequate in sexual performance and also in terms of fertility,” he said.
The next step is a larger study to confirm the findings as well as investigate more questions, such how the hypothalamus part of the brain is “turned off” when triggering the pituitary gland to produce testosterone — and how it might be turned back on.
The brain’s mechanisms are especially important, Dandona said, because it’s there that the problem begins.
Research has shown that adults who have gastric bypass surgery return to normal testosterone levels. It’s possible that weight loss alone would have a similar effect.
There is no confirmation yet if this holds true for teenaged males.
For cautious parents, the best first step is to be proactive against obesity, doctors say.
“Because that’s the passport to disaster in the long-term,” Dandona said - “diabetes, heart disease and now inadequate sexual maturation.”

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Over expectations in marriages damages same

Expectations are very common and crucial at every stage of life - they often give meaning to the life and to be honest, life would be pointless without expectations. Be it personal front or professional, we set expectations and work towards them to accomplish one thing or the other. Expectations, however, are of different kinds such as usual, autogenetic, informed, instinctive, sensible and unrealistic. Many times, we get disappointed when our expectations don t get fulfilled and that disappointment ofttimes leads us to major conflicts.

If defined, expectations are something that we wish to happen. Results of our own imagination, expectations are based on our based on our feelings, previous experiences and desires. Experiences are mere references to earlier expectations – if a person has met our experiences in the past, we are very likely to expect more from him/her again. The important thing one must understand here is that expectations are only our desires and are not supposed to be automatically met just because we wish for them.

When a certain individual doesn t meet our expectations, we get upset and feel that we have been left in the lurch, subsequently, tend to draw away from him/her and stop trusting that person. If we look back at life, we will find that our families, friends, colleagues, spouse or even children have not always met our expectations. We might have felt betrayed at the time, but didn t stop loving them or trusting them, however, we went on to set more expectations, though totally different this time around of which, some were met and someone disappointed us again.

Love your family/ spouse and not materialistc things

and just not outside marriage love ....

Relations today are short lived because importance of an individual is substituted with many other materialistic things, but on no account the relation intricacies are judged well, clarity can help rescue many problems, transparency can never be demanded, make an initiative and it will definitely come from other way too. Be assured that clarity is loaded with what is real and not really what one personally feels should be, blend it with honesty to serve your partner and wipe away all relation bitter experiences being shared, if the other partner accepts the realities and understands well as what is being communicated, then don’t get deterred to move on in making few miles walked to be a life time journey