Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chetan Gosalia write on my mail on sex education

 ----- Forwarded Message ----
From: chetan gosalia <>
To: Mr Alok Tholiya <>
Sent: Sat, 31 July, 2010 12:09:06 PM
Subject: Re: My article on sex education......must read and send ur comments.....Alok

Dear Alok,

I agree with what you say. Our people are very ignorant. Even i had attended that seminar in Bhaidas. Basically there are lots of myths and old fashioned belief in our society, which needs to be removed. Discussion on sex is a taboo in most households. People say education helps change thoughts, but in our country even educated people follow the same age old thoughts and ideas. We need to remove sex out of the closet and promote interactions between old and the young. The government also needs to bring stricter laws against dowry, honour killings etc.

These are my views on the subject.


On 27 July 2010 08:06, Mr Alok Tholiya <> wrote:
IMP : Note with right diagonisis and treatment most sexual and relationships can be cured/ repaired/corrected. But the person should be ready and willing and cooperative. With psychologists one may have to have several sittings as they dont get path lab report for mental conditions. Have patience, faith and give cooperation.
Dear All,
( Parents, Teacher, Doctors, divorce specialists, elders and adults to be married and married)
Pl. note that I am the only non medico / non mental health professional accpted as  life member in Council of sex Education and parenthood International. It is a very august body of leading sexologist,psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, Urologists,andrologists etc..Dr Prakash Kothari, Dr M C Vatsa, Dr Rupin Shah, top of the line doctors are members here.
I have guided and helped  many  married and about to be married purely as hon. social hobby/ responsibility.
Normally there r various reasons of facing difficulties in marriage specially of just married like:
  1. Dowry/ dahej
  2. misbehaviour of someone during marriage ( like causing insult/ hurt)
  3. old relations which haunts
  4. expectations not meeting etc etc

And  normally all focus is on above issues  where as there can be other  hidden undisclosed issues too like :


5.Relationships can be in deep waters due to sexual difficulties but for years one / both keep suffering without coming out in open. So under lining factor can be something else of rift but actual fight will take place for other reasons. Let us in brief understand the problems:


A: Organic / Physiological several reasons can affect a good performance ( long sickness ,addictions, long fatigue, low testosterone, high old  BP, high old diabetes, etc etc.


B. Psychogenic: Past, myths ( like virginity : during talk with a disturbed friend who had just married I casually mentioned / explained that on first night bleeding may not take place due to several reason like girl was sportswoman, cyclist, may have inserted finger etc etc then hymen may have ruptured accidentally and he left his all misconceptions against his wife and became happy husband) , misconceptions, fear ( of pain, getting caught etc etc), hatred, commitment to other person, sever untreated depression  etc.


If person has difficulty in arousal, erection or performance then one may avoid / not enjoy physical relations.And then can distance with partner on bogus grounds as he/ she can not come out with facts on such issues as there is a lot of stigma/ shyness/ fear  to discuss such issues.


If person has very good experience with earlier partner and not so good with new one then also he may become dissatisfied and which can be seen in his / her behaviour.


Ex may be longing for old partner or have  guilt or may be longing for good sex( experienced earlier as lady who is proffessional or already married or divorced  can be a better satisfying then a new shy inexperienced wife as she does not know all tantra).Unfortunately  some times it is ulta too where if a good virgin lady takes extra interest or shows some extra  knowledge then too husbands doubt her though it may be due her having some good knowledgeable friend, have read some good scientific books on tantra/ kam , attended some seminar ( I attended first such educative seminar some where around in 1976 ( I was bachlor and 21 yrs) organised by my very bold and dynamic college  princial Dr Kohli (N M college) where Dr Prakash Kothari demolised all myths and misconception in the minds of students and lecurers of college, and Bhaidas hall was over full) ( even after 30 yrs do u hear of such seminars for youth???). Education ministry, parents, teachers wake up. 


A newly wed lady being new  may be in pain and has to use cream/ zylocaine besides husband has to love , respect, give comfort, give confidence ( for future security) so she becomes relexed/ wet. But idiot husband may think she is avoiding. Etc etc .ande may further drift. If u keep her under shaken confidence then how can she be aroused and parnering? So I feel doctors, elder women in house must  question about physical relationship  and guide new couple and better take some help from qualified proffessionals. Two best organisation which I know of in Mumbai r Council of Sex education and parenthood Int. and FPI ( Family Planning Association of India), KEM hospital  whose memebrs are competeant to do proper counseling/ treatment. However two important caution here :

1. A lady should never allow profeessional to examine beyond a reasonable stage without the presence of a spouse/ another matured lady.

2. You must cross check all info on net / books at FPI , ask lot of questions etc..and understand where u r being led.

Proffessiionals / close senior relatives must further ask:  how long they had physical relations. How was their experience and satisfaction. How much they long for each other to be close, fiddling, foreplay etc etc. For man there is always fear of erection, its size ( which most often does not matter) premature ejaculation ( for both reasons psycho or physical disabilities), impotancy, etc etc. For both or one there may be reservation about conceiving ( now a days biggest hurdle is they r carrier minded , want to earn more for bigger better houes, we have spolilt the psyche of women by saying they need not be  maid after good education/ career). 


If there is a lack of satisfaction due to any of above reasons and they ( due to nature of our society) are likely to not likely to discuss this/ understand this. And one who can not understand can never seek help and finally will keep drifting from each other and or keep suffering silently life time. Many a times cause of discord is physical relationship  issues but are most often not unattended till it is toooooooolate.


I have several factual incidents to tell but one short story may be good enough:


A lady neighbour of mine confided something in wife and my wife took his 10 year old son to a leading surgeon of leading hospital.They cameback without and treatment and help but good assurance. When I asked my wife why they had taken Ralph ( false name) to surgeon she avoided to reply.As time passed this boy became major but did not grow any facial hair, had chest bulging out , personality was not totally boyish but I cud not say anything to his parents ( this is nature of our society).He avoided to on picnic with other boys etc .


By the grace of god his mother again took help of my wife for getting an appointment with this leading surgeon.When they were to leave for him that time I was told they r going to him.I cud not be that reluctant this time and asked my wife insistingly what is wrong with Ralph? She was again reluctant but on my insistance she said his mother says his private oragn is not growing.He is very shy. He does not go to male loo when others r thgere.


I told her u dont have to go to general surgeon but have to go to a Urologist. Then I contacted Dr Rupin Shah. Dr rupin called me in the cabin after examining this boy and showed that his one testicle has not descended ( hence can not be even seen, felt means is not doing its job of producing testesterone very vital for manhood development) and hence  he has girlish voice, no beard, enlarged breast, and no development of penis . he showed me his micro penis.

Then immediatley a surgery was planned and his testicles were put in right place. Then he was given shots of testesterone. Now Ralph is much OK. But Can he marry ?? Big question but his parents never asked me to accompany them to Dr Rupin. Dr Rupin though very nice person and knows me but as it is his proffessional ethics to not to disclose clients info in their absence has not told me nither I wud ask.


Parennts of Ralph have prohibited me to share this info as he shud not face difficulties in getting married.


By the way the earlier surgeon had assured parents of ralph that he is a child and evrything is alright and he will be OK once grows up. But Dr Rupin Shah said that this case should have been brought years back so lot cud be done at right time and saved the child from psychological trauma of years.

So if leading surgons have ignorance about sexology then u can imagine the condition of lay person and just married.


Wake wake wake up all. Save marriages. Save families. Have sex education.

sex education is not all about increasing demands. increasing adultery , increasing dishonesty rather it for setting right the person suffering from such difficulties as explained above and increasing pleasure, increasing honesty and developing healthy society.


I m sending this mail to 50K . Pl. fwd this to all ur contacts if u like it.


( sorry no time to chk spellings, grammer, or rephrasing). Rushing for my appointment to LIC office.


Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),Marigold Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan,10th Road,Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055
My favourite quote: Work hard to get what u like...or else....U ll b forced to like what u get!
For Issues of Sr. citizens :
Issues of Public interests :
For harrassed litigansts :
•Also subscribe to my very popular yahoo group for mails on ahead of time views: Send blank mail to: precious collections:

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sleep well ........................delete if u don't have sleep problem.............Alok

Too little sleep affects our work, our activities, even our sex lives. These tips from WebMD can help you sleep like a baby at night.But excess of it also is equally harmful. 


It's Sleep Week!

Don't build up a sleep debt. Ongoing sleep deprivation can impair you as much as a six-pack of beer.

Power Your Day

Take a nap. A 40-minute snooze in the middle of a work day can pump up your energy.

Pregnant Pause

Sleep safe during pregnancy. Lying on your left side gives you and your baby the best blood flow.

The Better Sleep Diet

Don't gorge before bed. Good shut-eye foods: milk, tuna, eggs, and peaches.

Sleep Rituals

Cue your body that it's time for sleep with a relaxing ritual. Try a hot bath, aromatherapy, or meditation.

Room for Sleep

Make your bedroom a sleep haven. Keep temperatures moderate, use blinds or shades for blocking light, and remove the laptop or TV.

Tired People Eat More

Cut 6% of your daily calorie intake by sleeping eight hours a night instead of seven.

Smoke Out

Restrict smoking before bedtime. Cigarettes wake you up just like caffeine. Better yet, quit.

Heartburn Help

A wedge pillow can keep your head elevated and bring sweet relief from nighttime heartburn.

Take a Bed Break

Get out of bed if you can't sleep -don't stare at the clock. Read or watch TV until you feel tired.

Nightcap No-No

A bottle of wine may conk you out, but your sleep won't be restful. Finish imbibing three hours before bed for a satisfying snooze.

Guard Your Heart

Get a full 8 hours of sleep. Catching only 6 hours of sleep ups your risk of high blood pressure by 70%.

Plan Early

And sleep better at night. Make your next day's to-do list in the afternoon so worries don't creep into bed.

Talk Yourself to Sleep

Try talk therapy to fight insomnia. It gets better results than sleeping pills.

Boost Your Sex Drive

Take a nap. Tired people have lower libido. Want more sex? Get more sleep.

Dream Diet

Sleep controls appetite hormones. Get to bed and start your diet.

Do Not Disturb

Put traveler's insomnia to rest. Pack a tiny battery-operated fan -- to create white noise.

Out Like a Light?

You may be overtired. Most people need 5 minutes or more to fall asleep.

Give Dad the Gift of Rest

Let Dad sleep in on Father's Day. On average, men get fewer than 7 hours a night.

Bedtime Medicine

Getting a good night's rest may reduce your long-term risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Find a Midnight Oasis

Bring romance and good sleep back to your bedroom. Clear out laundry, TV, and kids' toys.

Give Teens Some ZZZs

The sun's up but your teens aren't? Teens need nearly 10 hours of sleep every day.

Sleepy & Stuffy

No sleeping beauty wants a stuffy nose at bedtime. A saline nasal spray is an easy fix.

Nix Late Naps

No matter how tired, don't nap after 3 p.m. Late naps make it harder to fall asleep at night.

Avocados & Sleep

Can't sleep? Reach for an avocado. They contain tryptophan, a sleep-promoting substance.

Jump on It

Exercise early in the day, and you'll sleep better. Nix workouts too close to bedtime.

Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya
(Real Estate, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Bonds, Ticketing (Air, Bus, Rail)
Tholiya Marketing and Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
Marigold Party Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan,
10th Rd., Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055

• Pl. fwd./ circulate this mail if you think the issues raised here needs wider audience.

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Let us handover to our future generation a better place to live in.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

[MIFAC] all papers give such info as spice and to promote sale of their paper but no one has demanded what I am doing today........Alok

Firstly it is a very big moral responsibility to share all vital facts before fixing a marriage with opposite party.
Secondly when we obtain fitness certificate before emplyuing a person why we dont do that before fixing a marriage?
thirdly when we want title clear certificate before buying a property then why we dont seek title clear before fixing a marriage and then aftre marriage all kinds of relations come to light.
Fourthly buyer of a property gives 14 days paper notice if there r any other claiment but family of wud be bride / groom does not give such notice to if there r any other claims / disputes / relations of those whoce proposal they r considering. Why ?
Society and govt should form set of rules asking compulsorily to disclose in writing vital info from both side before marriage.Any info undisclosed and found later which affects severally marriage and families then the person and family hiding such info shud be severally punished.
Alok Tholiya....
Printed from

'Abstinence' costs hubby dear

MUMBAI: A 29-year-old beautician has filed a case of harassment against her husband for non-consummation of marriage, despite having lived together for two years. She has also accused her in-laws of humiliating her over dowry. Her husband, a manager with a bank at Churchgate, was arrested by the Vakola police last week while her in-laws are wanted.

"We have slapped charges of dowry harassment on the victim's in-laws and recorded a supplementary statement against her husband for non-consummation of marriage. We will now take the opinion of a public prosecutor on it," a police official said.

Rakhi and Sanjeev (names changed) had an arranged marriage in January 2008 and stayed in a joint family. Sanjeev's elder brother is attached to the RPF.

"Even after the marriage, Sanjeev used to sleep with his parents. Initially, he told me that he was preparing for MBA and did not want to get intimate with me, as he feared losing focus over his studies. I decided to give him some time. But he kept coming up with excuses as time passed," Rakhi told TOI.

"Sanjeev claimed he was looking for a separate house for us as we had no privacy at his parents' place. Six months later, when he couldn't find a new house, Sanjeev claimed he had bigger responsibilities such as securing his sisters' future (one of his sisters was going through a divorce while another is a widow)," Rakhi added. "In November 2008, my in-laws travelled to their hometown in Rae Bareilly. But Sanjeev refused to stay alone with me and sent me away to his brother's place. My brother-in-law tried to intervene, but in vain."

In May 2010, Rakhi slit her wrists in a bid to end her life. Her family then met her husband and in-laws, but it did not work out. Rakhi eventually lodged a police complaint after she was thrown out of her husband's house earlier this month. Sanjeev, who is out on bail, denied the charges.
Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),Marigold Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan,10th Road,Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055
My favourite quote: Work hard to get what u like...or else....U ll b forced to like what u get!
For Issues of Sr. citizens :
Issues of Public interests :
For harrassed litigansts :
•Also subscribe to my very popular yahoo group for mails on ahead of time views: Send blank mail to: precious collections:

all papers give such info as spice and to promote sale of their paper but no one has demanded what I am doing today........Alok

Firstly it is a very big moral responsibility to share all vital facts before fixing a marriage with opposite party.
Secondly when we obtain fitness certificate before emplyuing a person why we dont do that before fixing a marriage?
thirdly when we want title clear certificate before buying a property then why we dont seek title clear before fixing a marriage and then aftre marriage all kinds of relations come to light.
Society and govt should form set of rules asking compulsorily to disclose in writing vital info from both side before marriage.Any info undisclosed and found later which affects severally marriage and families then the person and family hiding such info shud be severally punished.
Alok Tholiya....
Printed from

'Abstinence' costs hubby dear

MUMBAI: A 29-year-old beautician has filed a case of harassment against her husband for non-consummation of marriage, despite having lived together for two years. She has also accused her in-laws of humiliating her over dowry. Her husband, a manager with a bank at Churchgate, was arrested by the Vakola police last week while her in-laws are wanted.

"We have slapped charges of dowry harassment on the victim's in-laws and recorded a supplementary statement against her husband for non-consummation of marriage. We will now take the opinion of a public prosecutor on it," a police official said.

Rakhi and Sanjeev (names changed) had an arranged marriage in January 2008 and stayed in a joint family. Sanjeev's elder brother is attached to the RPF.

"Even after the marriage, Sanjeev used to sleep with his parents. Initially, he told me that he was preparing for MBA and did not want to get intimate with me, as he feared losing focus over his studies. I decided to give him some time. But he kept coming up with excuses as time passed," Rakhi told TOI.

"Sanjeev claimed he was looking for a separate house for us as we had no privacy at his parents' place. Six months later, when he couldn't find a new house, Sanjeev claimed he had bigger responsibilities such as securing his sisters' future (one of his sisters was going through a divorce while another is a widow)," Rakhi added. "In November 2008, my in-laws travelled to their hometown in Rae Bareilly. But Sanjeev refused to stay alone with me and sent me away to his brother's place. My brother-in-law tried to intervene, but in vain."

In May 2010, Rakhi slit her wrists in a bid to end her life. Her family then met her husband and in-laws, but it did not work out. Rakhi eventually lodged a police complaint after she was thrown out of her husband's house earlier this month. Sanjeev, who is out on bail, denied the charges.
Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),Marigold Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan,10th Road,Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055
My favourite quote: Work hard to get what u like...or else....U ll b forced to like what u get!
For Issues of Sr. citizens :
Issues of Public interests :
For harrassed litigansts :
•Also subscribe to my very popular yahoo group for mails on ahead of time views: Send blank mail to: precious collections:

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

how to eduacate marriageable age about risks and hazards of seeking divorce when stich (step)

in time cud save 3 families from deep trauma.
Dear All,
Do u know of any site gives info on brief about grounds of seeking divorce?
Under what lawswhat compansation can be asked?
Can we have educative article for youth who should be aware that if they just marry for the sake of marrying / or due to force or due to society etc and are doing some thing wrong then they should desist from doing so as there r laws against such things:
Like : If u r impotent
U r hiding certain diseases / mental condition/ giving false committment
if u r having extra marital relations
if u r already married
if u r criminal
if u r habitual in addiction etc etc ..
If such marraigeable age people are prewarned that breaking of marriage is very costly, may be punishable may be u may loose ur job, u will loose reputation , will have to take leave several times from office then they will take wrong steps scaringly / sparingly.
Recently just two days before marriage of one rakhi jain a girl called up parents of rakhi that she had long and intimate relation with their wud be son in lawbut he has no guts to say so to his parents and hence is getting married under pressure. The girls side came down to Mumbai and had a talk with parents ofboy and then both called of marriage in time ( though lot of maoney was spent but three families were saved. But many other cases after mnarriage the issues of adultery comes out and extra marital relationship continues and one day they break but there is a heavy emotional  / financial / reputaion loss to all parties. Will soemone come up with advisory on these issues ( Advocates,mental health proffessionals , womens orgs., social ministry  and newspapers can do lot in this direction.
Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),Marigold Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan,10th Road,Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055
My favourite quote: Work hard to get what u like...or else....U ll b forced to like what u get!
For Issues of Sr. citizens :
Issues of Public interests :
For harrassed litigansts :
•Also subscribe to my very popular yahoo group for mails on ahead of time views: Send blank mail to: precious collections:

Monday, July 26, 2010

My article on sex education......must read and send ur comments.....Alok

IMP : Note with right diagonisis and treatment most sexual and relationships can be cured/ repaired/corrected. But the person should be ready and willing and cooperative. With psychologists one may have to have several sittings as they dont get path lab report for mental conditions. Have patience, faith and give cooperation.
Dear All,
( Parents, Teacher, Doctors, divorce specialists, elders and adults to be married and married)
Pl. note that I am the only non medico / non mental health professional accpted as  life member in Council of sex Education and parenthood International. It is a very august body of leading sexologist,psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, Urologists,andrologists etc..Dr Prakash Kothari, Dr M C Vatsa, Dr Rupin Shah, top of the line doctors are members here.
I have guided and helped  many  married and about to be married purely as hon. social hobby/ responsibility.
Normally there r various reasons of facing difficulties in marriage specially of just married like:
  1. Dowry/ dahej
  2. misbehaviour of someone during marriage ( like causing insult/ hurt)
  3. old relations which haunts
  4. expectations not meeting etc etc

And  normally all focus is on above issues  where as there can be other  hidden undisclosed issues too like :


5.Relationships can be in deep waters due to sexual difficulties but for years one / both keep suffering without coming out in open. So under lining factor can be something else of rift but actual fight will take place for other reasons. Let us in brief understand the problems:


A: Organic / Physiological several reasons can affect a good performance ( long sickness ,addictions, long fatigue, low testosterone, high old  BP, high old diabetes, etc etc.


B. Psychogenic: Past, myths ( like virginity : during talk with a disturbed friend who had just married I casually mentioned / explained that on first night bleeding may not take place due to several reason like girl was sportswoman, cyclist, may have inserted finger etc etc then hymen may have ruptured accidentally and he left his all misconceptions against his wife and became happy husband) , misconceptions, fear ( of pain, getting caught etc etc), hatred, commitment to other person, sever untreated depression  etc.


If person has difficulty in arousal, erection or performance then one may avoid / not enjoy physical relations.And then can distance with partner on bogus grounds as he/ she can not come out with facts on such issues as there is a lot of stigma/ shyness/ fear  to discuss such issues.


If person has very good experience with earlier partner and not so good with new one then also he may become dissatisfied and which can be seen in his / her behaviour.


Ex may be longing for old partner or have  guilt or may be longing for good sex( experienced earlier as lady who is proffessional or already married or divorced  can be a better satisfying then a new shy inexperienced wife as she does not know all tantra).Unfortunately  some times it is ulta too where if a good virgin lady takes extra interest or shows some extra  knowledge then too husbands doubt her though it may be due her having some good knowledgeable friend, have read some good scientific books on tantra/ kam , attended some seminar ( I attended first such educative seminar some where around in 1976 ( I was bachlor and 21 yrs) organised by my very bold and dynamic college  princial Dr Kohli (N M college) where Dr Prakash Kothari demolised all myths and misconception in the minds of students and lecurers of college, and Bhaidas hall was over full) ( even after 30 yrs do u hear of such seminars for youth???). Education ministry, parents, teachers wake up. 


A newly wed lady being new  may be in pain and has to use cream/ zylocaine besides husband has to love , respect, give comfort, give confidence ( for future security) so she becomes relexed/ wet. But idiot husband may think she is avoiding. Etc etc .ande may further drift. If u keep her under shaken confidence then how can she be aroused and parnering? So I feel doctors, elder women in house must  question about physical relationship  and guide new couple and better take some help from qualified proffessionals. Two best organisation which I know of in Mumbai r Council of Sex education and parenthood Int. and FPI ( Family Planning Association of India), KEM hospital  whose memebrs are competeant to do proper counseling/ treatment. However two important caution here :

1. A lady should never allow profeessional to examine beyond a reasonable stage without the presence of a spouse/ another matured lady.

2. You must cross check all info on net / books at FPI , ask lot of questions etc..and understand where u r being led.

Proffessiionals / close senior relatives must further ask:  how long they had physical relations. How was their experience and satisfaction. How much they long for each other to be close, fiddling, foreplay etc etc. For man there is always fear of erection, its size ( which most often does not matter) premature ejaculation ( for both reasons psycho or physical disabilities), impotancy, etc etc. For both or one there may be reservation about conceiving ( now a days biggest hurdle is they r carrier minded , want to earn more for bigger better houes, we have spolilt the psyche of women by saying they need not be  maid after good education/ career). 


If there is a lack of satisfaction due to any of above reasons and they ( due to nature of our society) are likely to not likely to discuss this/ understand this. And one who can not understand can never seek help and finally will keep drifting from each other and or keep suffering silently life time. Many a times cause of discord is physical relationship  issues but are most often not unattended till it is toooooooolate.


I have several factual incidents to tell but one short story may be good enough:


A lady neighbour of mine confided something in wife and my wife took his 10 year old son to a leading surgeon of leading hospital.They cameback without and treatment and help but good assurance. When I asked my wife why they had taken Ralph ( false name) to surgeon she avoided to reply.As time passed this boy became major but did not grow any facial hair, had chest bulging out , personality was not totally boyish but I cud not say anything to his parents ( this is nature of our society).He avoided to on picnic with other boys etc .


By the grace of god his mother again took help of my wife for getting an appointment with this leading surgeon.When they were to leave for him that time I was told they r going to him.I cud not be that reluctant this time and asked my wife insistingly what is wrong with Ralph? She was again reluctant but on my insistance she said his mother says his private oragn is not growing.He is very shy. He does not go to male loo when others r thgere.


I told her u dont have to go to general surgeon but have to go to a Urologist. Then I contacted Dr Rupin Shah. Dr rupin called me in the cabin after examining this boy and showed that his one testicle has not descended ( hence can not be even seen, felt means is not doing its job of producing testesterone very vital for manhood development) and hence  he has girlish voice, no beard, enlarged breast, and no development of penis . he showed me his micro penis.

Then immediatley a surgery was planned and his testicles were put in right place. Then he was given shots of testesterone. Now Ralph is much OK. But Can he marry ?? Big question but his parents never asked me to accompany them to Dr Rupin. Dr Rupin though very nice person and knows me but as it is his proffessional ethics to not to disclose clients info in their absence has not told me nither I wud ask.


Parennts of Ralph have prohibited me to share this info as he shud not face difficulties in getting married.


By the way the earlier surgeon had assured parents of ralph that he is a child and evrything is alright and he will be OK once grows up. But Dr Rupin Shah said that this case should have been brought years back so lot cud be done at right time and saved the child from psychological trauma of years.

So if leading surgons have ignorance about sexology then u can imagine the condition of lay person and just married.


Wake wake wake up all. Save marriages. Save families. Have sex education.

sex education is not all about increasing demands. increasing adultery , increasing dishonesty rather it for setting right the person suffering from such difficulties as explained above and increasing pleasure, increasing honesty and developing healthy society.


I m sending this mail to 50K . Pl. fwd this to all ur contacts if u like it.


( sorry no time to chk spellings, grammer, or rephrasing). Rushing for my appointment to LIC office.


Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),Marigold Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan,10th Road,Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055
My favourite quote: Work hard to get what u like...or else....U ll b forced to like what u get!
For Issues of Sr. citizens :
Issues of Public interests :
For harrassed litigansts :
•Also subscribe to my very popular yahoo group for mails on ahead of time views: Send blank mail to: precious collections:

Friday, July 23, 2010

I came accross this. Lovely. Those interested can contact directly for course in “Andrology & Mens Health”

Fellowship course in "Andrology & Mens Health" from 1/1/2010 at ANKUR, Bangalore (recognised by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore) for 2 candidates.
University fees: Rs 20,000 and stipendary position
Eligibility: MCh - Urology - either MD / DNB or  MS (General surgery)
Evaluation: 2 semesters and an internal assessment test / log book / thesis and final exam by RGUHS
Course Collaborators: 
International Prof Peter Huat Chye Lime, Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore
National: Dr Rupin Shah, Mumbai
Dr Rajeev Kumar, New Delhi
Dr Sudhakar Krishnamurti, Hyderabad
Dr T R Murali, Madurai
Research Collaborator Prof Seshagiri - IISc - MRDG dept
Contact details:
ANKUR, 422, 20th Main, I Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560010 PH: (80)23527944/23425880 Fax: (080)23131833

Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),Marigold Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan,10th Road,Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055
My favourite quote: Work hard to get what u like...or else....U ll b forced to like what u get!
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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Here is the 'ultimate sex diet'

Here is the 'ultimate sex diet'

Imagine having sex often to lose weight! Does it sound to good to be true? Well, it is entirely true. There are some drawbacks but ultimately, it gives you a great body, great skin and hair (all those endorphins do it for you!)So now do you think you'll be able to lose all that extra weight?

Appealing to both men and women, for possibly entirely different reasons, the Ultimate Sex Diet prescribes regular sexual activity to shed unwanted pounds. By regular, we mean a lot. You should have sex with your partner three to five times during the week and at least once (or more) on the weekend. It has been proved that those who engage in plenty of sexual activity experience many benefits like a healthy heart, healthy immune system, less depression, and weight loss.

- Wake-up your sex life
- Lose weight
- Promotes a healthy heart
- No counting

- Some food restrictions

Diet and nutrition: Enjoy your food much like you would the exercise-portion of this diet. Food should be eaten in a calm and inviting atmosphere, chew it slowly and lick your lips after each bite. Experts feel one should make love to your food as if it were your first time. Controlling portions is also important - you wouldn't want to over do it. Rather, take just enough of each part of the meal to satisfy you.

The accompanying diet is low-fat, high-fibre. Bread and pasta are the only really limited food item, everything else can be enjoyed in moderation. Choose low or no-fat dairy over higher fat options, whole grains, sugar-free desserts, fresh herbs and unique spices, seafood, fruits and vegetables. You are certainly permitted dark chocolate and wine – aphrodisiacs that will promote your exercise goals.

Exercise: Sex-exercising should be your focus to shed all those pounds. Other recommended exercises promote additional bonding between you and your partner, as well as strengthen the key muscles necessary for this regimen. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

not eating properly, with regular intervals, not eating healthy food can have several bad effects on mind and body on....Alok

Not eating properly can affect ur Mind and body which can affect ur:
nature: one can become irritable, depressed, forgetful, etc
eating less or unhealthy can cause several vitamin and minerals defeciencies: immunity will go down, one will catch infections faster, several health complications can develop including weak eye, poor stamina, low libido, poor performance, sexual defeciencies, fatigue, etc etc
From hair to heart , liver, kidney , brain everything needs poshtik Tatva ( healthy food) . It is time to wake up before it is too late.
Like all other mental conditions even Those suffering from Anorexia_nervosa  will never know and admit that they are suffering with any such condition ( of eating less/ not feeling like eating/ ). So best is listen to others. Next best is go to mental health expert for counseling with all pathological reports like vitamins, minerals , testosterone test results etc.

The most immediate problem with underweight is that it might be secondary to, and/or symptomatic of, an underlying disease. Unexplained weight loss requires professional medical diagnosis.

Underweight can also be a primary causative condition. Severely underweight individuals may have poor physical stamina and a weak immune system, leaving them open to infection. According to Robert E. Black of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, "Underweight status ... and micronutrient deficiencies also cause decreases in immune and non-immune host defenses, and should be classified as underlying causes of death if followed by infectious diseases that are the terminal associated causes."[2] People who are malnutrative underweight raise special concerns, as not only gross caloric intake may be inadequate, but also intake and absorption of other vital nutrients, especially essential amino acids and micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

In women, being grossly underweight can result in amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and possible complications during pregnancy. It can also cause anemia and hair loss.

Underweight is an established[3] risk factor for osteoporosis, even for young people. This is a particular insidious consequence, because the affected persons do not notice the danger, they can feel fit and may be brilliant for example in endurance sports.[4][5] After the occurrence of first spontaneous fractures the damage is often already irreversible.


Possible Signs of Anorexia Nervosa
Russell's sign is the scarring that occurs on the dorsum of the hand, primarily the knuckles due to sticking fingers down throat to induce vomiting. The scars occur due to the skins repeated contact with the teeth.
Russell's sign scarring on knuckles due to sticking fingers down throat to force vomiting[14]
Chilblains are ulcers that affect such areas as the toes, they may occur when a predisposed individual is exposed to cold and humidity
Chilblains, also known as Perniosis.
Possible cutaneous complication of anorexia nervosa.[15]


Possible Signs of Anorexia Nervosa
Russell's sign is the scarring that occurs on the dorsum of the hand, primarily the knuckles due to sticking fingers down throat to induce vomiting. The scars occur due to the skins repeated contact with the teeth.
Russell's sign scarring on knuckles due to sticking fingers down throat to force vomiting[14]
Chilblains are ulcers that affect such areas as the toes, they may occur when a predisposed individual is exposed to cold and humidity
Chilblains, also known as Perniosis.
Possible cutaneous complication of anorexia nervosa.[15]


Possible Signs of Anorexia Nervosa
Russell's sign is the scarring that occurs on the dorsum of the hand, primarily the knuckles due to sticking fingers down throat to induce vomiting. The scars occur due to the skins repeated contact with the teeth.
Russell's sign scarring on knuckles due to sticking fingers down throat to force vomiting[14]
Chilblains are ulcers that affect such areas as the toes, they may occur when a predisposed individual is exposed to cold and humidity
Chilblains, also known as Perniosis.
Possible cutaneous complication of anorexia nervosa.[15]

Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),Marigold Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan,10th Road,Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055
My favourite quote: Work hard to get what u like...or else....U ll b forced to like what u get!
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